Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Difference between Marketing, Advertising and PR (Public Relationship)

MBA Marketing specialization

Here are the differences in between Marketing, Advertising, and PR (Public Relationship)-

Public Relationship (PR)
Marketing is the overall process of boosting up public awareness of a product, person, organization or service.
Advertising is a method of influencing a target audience to buy a product.

PR is a process of transfer and maintain positive awareness of the organization.
Engage in taking Organisation’s promotional decisions from target customer, researching the market to setting a marketing budget, product launches and evaluating the success.
Engage in searching target market and influencing them to buy a product through television, radio, print publications, the internet, posters or billboards etc.
Engage in giving information and making news about the organization through writing press releases, contacting media, public forums, taking clippings from print publications, writing in-house magazines and newsletters etc.
Marketing includes the process of Advertising and Public relationship management (PR).
Advertising is a short time campaign of Marketing.
A public relationship is the vital part of Marketing which may fall in advertising campaign nowadays.
An immediate goal is the promotion of organization as well as product or service by taking right decisions.
An immediate goal is to sell the product to target consumers.
an immediate goal is to maintain informatics and positive relations between organization and public
The inherent aim is to make the mission successful towards a vision of the organisation.
The inherent aim is profit.
Inherent aim is to build and fruitage goodwill of organization in public
A measure of success is the decisions taken towards accomplishing a vision of the organization.
A measure of success is the number of sales and/or the revenue it generates.
A measure of success is public reviews and opinion about a company.
Supply of decisions and money.
Supply of product and services.
Supply of information of organization and its products and services.
Focus on Branding of an organization.
Focus on sales.
Focus on organization’s goodwill.

1 comment:

  1. Marketing is very difficult but if you are using professional services then will be able to reap really nice benefits in very less time. I also have been using Twitter and facebook ads management Los Angeles services from my business and get absolutely great results.
