Friday, May 25, 2018

Customer Service in Retail Marketing? MBA Marketing study material.

When you enter the store or a shop what are the factors that make you feel more comfortable while shopping? These factors are derived from the customer service in retail marketing. Customers always want to hear the conventional compassion while solving their problems in purchasing however, it may come to exchange products without difficulties, free repairing or sometimes giving more to senior citizens. It is beyond the communication between customers and retailers. This post focuses on how effectively retailers can provide the service to the customer?

What is Customer Service?

It is a set of services giving to the customers to assist them while purchasing, responding their questions, facilitating them to solve the problems, giving attention to every customer. To create this winning situation, retailers need to build the customer-friendly policies to make them feel they are important for retailers which surely leads to maintain long-term customer loyalty.  

What are the effective skills to provide a Customer Service?

Retailers need to make a strategic plan to provide the satisfactory and influential customer service. Below some skills or tactics which may helpful for the retailer to do so.

·        Gentle greeting at first sight:

Giving a gentle smile and greetings to the customers on their very first visit is a basic role of customer service provider or retailer. It makes a positive impact on the atmosphere for customer towards purchasing. Personal appearance should be formal and well-presented in-front of the customers. In every conversation with the customers, voice should be very kind and not too loud and words should be very clear so that everyone can understand quickly.

·        Paying attention is paramount:

Everyone wants the attention in this world. How do you feel when you enter in store and no one notice you? Do u feel outraged? Of course yes, therefore when it comes to the customer service, every customer has a right to receive a full attention from retailer and it is utmost duty of customer service provider to pay attention to customer. Customer service provider should not let the customer to wander everywhere and getting confused. Paying attention is advantageous to build customer loyalty positive attitude towards brand.

·        Personal interaction:

It is another vital duty of customer service provider after paying attention to pleasantly interact with the customer. The first interaction should be asking about how can help to them. In this stage you can get the knowledge of what customers want and the solution of this question is core aim of retailers. This interaction also involve the information about brands, product offerings, promotions etc.

·        Explain within frame:

When the customer need a solution to their need satisfaction, quickly solve their problem by offering what they want. With this, retailers may explain the products features and use. But sometimes, customer may know everything about the products and brands and need not to be over knowledgeable, in this case retailers ensure their need has satisfied and explaining with out of frame may harmful for a brand. Customers never want to come again to a store because of the overpitching of the products.

·        Be positive over negative:

This is a core responsibility of the customer service provider to clear all the doubts of the customers regarding the use of products, quality of products or even with the brand. If the customer has taking a negative impression of the product or a brand, retailers need to correct it by providing a positive and wise information without proving customers wrong, otherwise the customers feel outraged and never come back to the store.

·        Stopover outreaching:

Some customers just want to surf, checking out the products and offering and don’t have a plan to purchase. In this case, what happen if customer service provider is rushed hovering there? It make customers feel embarrass even to enter the store. So stop outreaching with the customers, let them surf first. Don’t force your services over them. Try to know how much service customers want. Pressurising to the customers may dangerous for sales.

·        Ensure bagging:

On a billing counter, retailers need to ensure the product is not defective or incorrect size before packing it, if not, change it with new one from the stock. Also, retailers need to check out the amount on bill and product should be same before getting paid. Retailer make sure the customers receive everything they paid for before leaving the store.

·        Goodbye with assuring another visit:

Sending off with the smile will be an advantage for the retailers which create a positive vibe for the customers. Saying goodbye with greetings for the day may build a longer journey of a customer with the brand or store. Retailers also ensure to encourage the customers to come and visit again to the store while sending off.

These skills or techniques of customer service in retail marketing will definitely lead to reach the goal of the store.

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