Monday, February 5, 2018

How to design a Questionnaire for Marketing Research? MBA marketing study material.

Every organization needs a valuable and truthful information to take a decision about future of the organization. Correct information leads to influence the marketer to take a right decision.

The previous article explained types of market research and how information can be collected for research. Primary/qualitative type of marketing research consist a survey method to collect data. In the survey, Organization needs to make a Questionnaire. Here is the answer of How to design a Questionnaire for Marketing Research?

What is Questionnaire???
A questionnaire is a series of questions with a choice of answers devised for the purpose of research or statistical study.
Therefore, the decisive part of good research is allied with making sure that the questionnaire design as per the need of the research.
How to design a Questionnaire for Marketing Research??
Designing a questionnaire is not as simple as it at first sight. A research team has to plan for collecting information is required to be extremely careful in deciding vital queries like:
What kind of data/information should be collected?
What kind of questions to be formed?
What type of wording should be used in questions?
Arrangement of sequence of questions
How to present a form of questionnaire?
Finalization of Questionnaire etc.

Let’s look into this step by step:
1.      Determine what information is required:
The basic step is to determine exactly what kind of information is required to accomplish the goal of a survey. An organization needs to make a list of objectives of the survey.
2.      State sample size:
This is a step of selecting a set of people or respondent of questionnaire or sample size. It means Organization should select a target customer’s sample size to whom the questions to be asked.
3.      Choose a question type:
The organization should be specific about what question type to choose, whether it will be multiple choice questions or open-ended questions or projective type questions like fill in the blacks and word association etc.
4.      Decide content of questions:
This is a very important step in which organization should develop each question with a specific purpose. Each question should be logical, easy to understand and answerable. The content of questions should be addressed to need of market research.
5.      Arrange sequence of questions:
An arrangement of questions plays a vital role in designing a questionnaire. Neutral questions should be arranged at the beginning to set an empathy to set a person at ease. The questions should be in order to bring logic and flow to the interview.  
6.      Finalise the questionnaire:
After the arrangement of questions, the form needs to format with instructions to respondents with the good introduction. It will give a clear idea to the respondent about organization’s objectives.
7.      Test and review:
After making it finalize, Questionnaire should be tested on small sample size (probably on associate or friends). Pre-test of questionnaire aims to detect faults and correct where ever it needs before going through the main survey.
And finally, your questionnaire has been designed to work. It all set to collect information/ data from a respondent.

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