Saturday, February 10, 2018

Measurement and Scaling techniques in Marketing Research. MBA Marketing Study Material

After getting a knowledge of Marketing research and how to collect data/ information in the previous post, here is the blog on Measurement and Scaling techniques in Marketing Research.

Initially, we have to look into the meaning of Measurement and Scaling in marketing research

Measurement: It is a process of observing, recording and assigning numbers or other symbols to a characteristic of the object according to certain rules.

Scaling: It is a process of assignment of objects to a number. Scaling is developing a continuum/range/series upon which measured objects are located.

In simple words,

There are two forms of data, first comprise of quantitative variables which can be measured in terms of numbers like price, income, expense etc. and second comprise of qualitative variables which cannot be measured in numbers like emotions, feeling, sense, intelligence etc. For further analysis, the organisation needs to convert this qualitative data into the numerical form. Here, measurement and scaling techniques help to convert the data into the measurable form. Here is how:

Measurement and Scaling techniques:

1.      Nominal Scale:

This scaling technique is basic and simple to understand. It is a technique of assigning labels or numbers to the variables. In this type, there is no existence of numerical significance. There is no link between the variables and numbers or labels allocate to them. It can be called as a “Label Scaling technique”.
Gender-    1. Male   2. Female
Marital Status-    A. Married   B. Unmarried

2.      Ordinal Scale:

Ordinal scaling is a process of ranking the objectives according to their characteristics or features. Ordinal scale helps to convert the data from unmeasurable to measurable one, so that researcher can analyze the particular value of responses and rank it as per its feature. This scale is basically used to measure non-numerical concepts like emotions, satisfaction, intelligence etc.
How would you rank our product? -   1.Satisfied   2.Unsatisfied   3.Delighted

3.      Interval Scale:

Interval scale can be measured an absolute value or difference of values between scale points. This scale not only can rank the data but also can convert the difference in numerical form so that researcher can find correct figure to record it properly. This type of scale gives a strong figure for non-numerical responses in numbers.
Rate our performance on a 0-10 scale- The answers can be 8.2, 9.2. 1.3, 5.6.3, 4, 6.6 etc.

4.      Ratio Scale

The ratio scale is the ultimate level of scale by its use as it allows the researcher to find or classify the object, rank the object as well as compares the difference between the intervals and gives the result in ratio form. In short, Ratio scale includes nominal, ordinal as well as interval scale pattern to measure and record the data in sequence.  It compares both distinctions in rating.
What is the average temperature measured in the USA in last three months?-
In the first month- 20 degree- 2nd rank
In the second month- 22.5 degree- 3rd rank
In the third month- 10 degree- 1st rank

Above explained techniques are the basic in measurement and scaling the research which can be used on collected data through Questionnaire as described in the previous post.

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